Care products 

For good healing, we advise you to use only one cream at a time. We recommend choosing one of the following creams:

Bepanthol - EasyTattoo cream.

These products are available at the pharmacy without prescriptions.


First Aid

  • Keep your patch for the first 3 to 12 hours after your tattoo.
  • Wash your hands before you touch it.
  • Gently remove the patch. The presence of deposits (mix of ink, cream, vaseline or lymph, blood) is normal.
  • Wash the tattoo well with warm water, using a neutral pH soap like Sanex.
  • Rinse with cold water and dry in the air about 15 min.

Apply a first thin layer of cream, making it penetrate gently. The tattoo will be sensitive to touch but it will only for a few days.


Daily care

  • Regularly apply a thin layer of cream, making it penetrate by a gentle massage.
  • You have to repeat this procedure x times a day during from 15 days up to 1 month (depending on the size of the tattoo).



Eventually, your tattoo will peel for ten days. This can often be uncomfortable and itchy, indicating healing. We insist on not scratching or tearing of the skin, so you will not damage the tattoo. Be patient, they will fall off by themselves.

  • Avoid repetitive and durable baths, pool and sea water for at least 1 month after your tattoo. Especially no sunburn, even after several months, it could tarnish your tattoo. For a year, during holidays, do not hesitate to apply a sunscreen layer on your tattoo.
  • Wear loose clothes, cotton if possible, not to irritate the tattoo.
  • Do not hesitate to contact us for any information or question. Our team will provide you necessary assistance.